
Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

After much consideration and advice, I have decided to pick up my newsletter from my previous website "". I have been on a little emotional hiatus since I lost a piece of my heart, my sister Jami, to melanoma cancer a year ago last May. I still have all my inventory of  metal garden markers and garden tools. Feel free to contact me if your interested in the comment section below.

So, let's blog!


August 1, 2013:  Bloomers:

 Hosta and white begonia's: beautiful mix for shade

                purple wandering jew : love his next to lantana         pink begonia


             Zinnia: from seed in my vegetable garden

                                         Papa's Hibiscus                                 agapanthus

                          evergreen wisteria: fyi does not smell as good as the chinese variety

                      butterfly ginger: my personal favorite- smells amazing like sweet honeysuckle


My 9 year old pinterested this project for the mosquitos outside our back door:


The first picture is the finished project. Black is supposed to attract the mosquitoes. I won't go into too much detail because obviously it didn't work. I cut a 2 liter bottle and placed the top part inside the bottom part. In the liquid is yeast, water and brown sugar. The carbon dioxide from the yeast is supposed to attract the mosquitos as well. Top right pic is 2 days into it sitting. We caught a fly and a couple of unidentified bugs. Bottom right pic is within a couple of hours of making the solution.


We also saw this trick on a youtube video this week and also tried it:

Ant killer:
1) the set up: grind popcorn to little pieces. 

2) Then the ants find it and you get to see where they are coming from

3) The ants were crazy for 2 days. Then they got slow and slower and then few and fewer. We started seeing them die.
Today 3 days later, only a few ants left on the plate. So i would say...successful!


This is an interesting problem that I have been watching all summer. I have 2 Hydrangeas in my walkway. One is beautiful and the other...not so much (see below). I thought, "fungus? disease?"  Then I noticed that the bottom leaves had gotten buried. They were rooting. My hypothesis: the new roots are taking all the nutrients from the top of the hydrangea and it is not allowing new growth on the old stems.
 I plan to dig up the new growth and see if it works. Check back later...

Happy Gardening! 
Nicki Adkins

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I LOVE THIS! You are so creative and interesting, this will be fun to keep up with, so glad you are doing it:)
